Blog, Love, Monthly Bulletin


GOD’s utmost determination in seeing that man gets BLESSED beyond his most comprehensible imagination has known no bounds since Genesis 1:27-28. GOD has worked assiduously to ensure the fulfillment of His “Blessed” pronouncement over man remains solidly interminable, the greatest threat to its fulfillment has consistently and ironically so, been man himself, through doggedly persistent willful acts of disobedience, yet, GOD with reciprocal doggedness diligently watches over His word to ensure its full-fledged manifestation.

Restoration was uppermost on GOD’s mind after the fall in the garden, which came as a result of disobedience, a situation which magnifies His unflinching determination to BLESS us. This is reflective of the fact that not even the sins in our lives are capable of cutting off His weighty magnanimous BLESSINGS from our lives.

Word of caution; this is not in any-way suggesting a reckless and sin infested existence, but rather an assurance that sincere and heartfelt repentance of sin willfully committed will not only enjoy forgiveness but also, complete restoration, because a broken heart and a contrite spirit, He will not despise.

A pivotal example of His relentless determination to ensuring the fulfillment of His undying love and commitment to blessing man, is the mind-blowing covenant He entered into with Abraham(Gen 15). GOD almighty rather than make Abraham swear to Him, made Himself the lesser king and consequently swore to Abraham, a re-affirmation of His determination to fulfill the promises of Genesis 12. Reason; He is omniscient (He knows the end of a matter from the beginning of same) He therefore must have seen the potential faithlessness, Abram will manifest which would make him concede to the unholy entreaty of his wife to sexually engage her maid for child bearing purposes, an action reflective of his disbelief in the Word of GOD, a situation which would have led to his destruction, had GOD bound him to the covenant as the lesser king.

In effect, GOD not only forgives us our trespasses, but He takes it a quantum notch higher, by putting structures in place to help us avert the consequences of future transgressions against Him. What an AWESOME GOD we have.

Jesus Christ was the final and only eternal gift of GOD through whom we are permanently restored and exceedingly far more blessed than we could ever imagine, and for this reason, Jesus Himself exclaimed in John 10:10.”I am come that you may have life more abundantly”.

The Greek word transliterated into more abundantly is “Perissos”, which means; superabundance, excessive, overflowing, profuse, more than enough, more than sufficient, over and above, colossal, extra-ordinary and many more combinations of superlatives that you can dare to invent. All you need do, is be in Him, and all these and a life of eternal glory await you, but remember, you will work it out according to the Power of the Holy Spirit in you.

GOD is crazy in Love with you.



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